AEM – Sling Model Interview Questions and Answers

What is Sling in AEM?

Sling is a web framework that underlies Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and provides a RESTful web application framework to build content-centric web applications. Sling is built on top of the Java Content Repository (JCR), which is the underlying technology for storing content in AEM. Sling provides a number of key features that enable developers to create and manage AEM applications:

  1. Easy integration with the AEM content repository: Sling Models provide a simple API to retrieve content from the AEM content repository using the JCR (Java Content Repository) API.
  2. Dependency injection: Sling Models use the OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) container to perform dependency injection, which allows developers to easily inject other OSGi services into their Sling Models.
  3. Integration with HTL templates: Sling Models can be easily bound to HTL templates using the data-sly-use attribute, which simplifies the process of passing data from the model to the template.
  4. Modular design: Sling Models are designed to be modular, which means that developers can create multiple models that are focused on specific tasks and combine them as needed.
  5. Testability: Sling Models are designed to be easily testable, which means that developers can write unit tests for their models to ensure that they are working as expected.

How does the Sling Model work in AEM?

Sling Models are Java classes that are annotated with the @Model annotation, which tells AEM that the class is a Sling Model. Sling Models work by using annotations and dependency injection to simplify the process of retrieving content from the AEM content repository and binding it to HTL templates.

  • When an AEM component is requested, AEM looks for the Sling Model that corresponds to that component. AEM then instantiates the Sling Model and injects any required dependencies, such as the current Resource object, the SlingHttpServletRequest, and the SlingScriptHelper.
  • The Sling Model then retrieves the content from the AEM content repository using the JCR API or other APIs, performs any necessary processing, and returns the data to the HTL template.

To bind the Sling Model to an HTL template, you use the data-sly-use attribute, which specifies the path to the Sling Model and any parameters that need to be passed to the model. For example:

<div data-sly-use.myModel="com.example.MyModel" data-sly-unwrap>

In this example, the data-sly-use attribute specifies that the MyModel Sling Model should be used for this component. The myModel variable is then used to access the properties of the Sling Model, such as title and description.

What is Sling Model HTTP Request flow in AEM?

The HTTP request flow for Sling Models in AEM involves several steps:

  1. A user requests a page or component from AEM through a web browser.
  2. The request is received by the Sling framework, which handles the request processing and routing.
  3. The Sling framework determines which Sling Model is associated with the requested component, based on the model’s annotations and the path of the requested resource.
  4. The Sling framework instantiates the Sling Model, passing in any required dependencies, such as the current Resource object, the SlingHttpServletRequest, and the SlingScriptHelper.
  5. The Sling Model retrieves the data from the AEM content repository using the JCR API or other APIs.
  6. The Sling Model processes the data as necessary, such as by formatting dates or performing calculations.
  7. The Sling Model returns the processed data to the HTL template for rendering.
  8. The HTL template uses the processed data to render the component markup and sends it back to the user’s web browser as an HTTP response.

Throughout this process, the Sling Model acts as a bridge between the AEM content repository and the HTL template. It retrieves and processes data from the content repository, and then passes the processed data to the HTL template for rendering. By using Sling Models, developers can create flexible and modular AEM components that are easy to maintain and extend.

Why to use AEM sling models?

Sling Models are a powerful feature of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) that provide a number of benefits to developers and content authors, making them a popular choice for building AEM components. Here are some of the key reasons why you might want to use Sling Models in AEM:

What is Sling Resolution in AEM?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Sling resolution refers to the process by which Sling maps a request URL to the appropriate resource in the content repository. Sling resolution is an essential part of how AEM serves web content to users and involves the following steps:

  1. Parsing the request URL: The incoming URL is parsed to determine the path of the requested resource and any selectors, extensions, or suffixes that are associated with the request.
  2. Matching the request path: The parsed URL is matched against a set of registered Sling servlets and scripts to determine which servlet or script should be used to process the request.
  3. Resolving the resource path: Once a servlet or script has been selected, Sling resolves the path of the requested resource in the content repository. This involves resolving any aliases or virtual resources that may be associated with the path.
  4. Resource type resolution: Once the path of the requested resource has been resolved, Sling determines the resource type of the resource by looking at the resource type property of the resource or by using an adapter factory to generate a resource type.
  5. Selectors and extensions: Finally, Sling processes any selectors or extensions that are associated with the request. Selectors can be used to modify the behavior of the selected servlet or script, while extensions can be used to specify the format of the response.

What is Resource Mapping?

Resource Mapping is a powerful feature of the Sling framework in AEM that enables developers to map request URLs to corresponding resources in the content repository. By using resource mapping, developers can create user-friendly URLs and handle requests in a flexible and dynamic way.

What are the sling APIs in AEM?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Sling provides a set of APIs that developers can use to interact with the underlying content repository, handle requests, and render content. Some of the key Sling APIs in AEM include:

  1. ResourceResolver API: Provides a way to resolve resource paths to JCR nodes, and retrieve, create, or update resources in the content repository.
  2. Request API: Provides access to the current request and its attributes, such as request method, headers, parameters, and request URL.
  3. SlingHttpServletRequest and SlingHttpServletResponse APIs: Provides additional methods and properties that are specific to Sling servlets, including methods for setting response headers and status codes.
  4. Scripting API: Provides a way to execute scripts written in various scripting languages, such as JavaScript, Groovy, and JSP.
  5. Resource API: Provides methods for accessing and manipulating resources in the content repository, including getting and setting properties, and iterating over child resources.
  6. Servlet API: Provides a way to define and register servlets, and handle requests using the Sling request processing pipeline.
  7. Authentication API: Provides a way to authenticate users and manage their permissions to access content in the content repository.

Explain a Sling model with an example.

Suppose we want to display a list of news articles on a webpage. We have a set of nodes in the content repository that represent news articles, each with properties such as title, author, and publication date. We want to retrieve these nodes and render them as HTML on the webpage.

To achieve this, we can create a Sling model that maps to the news article nodes in the repository. The Sling model will define the properties we want to retrieve and provide a way to access them in our HTML template.

Here’s an example of what the Sling model might look like:

@Model(adaptables = Resource.class)
public class NewsArticle {
    @Inject @Named("jcr:title")
    private String title;
    @Inject @Named("jcr:createdBy")
    private String author;
    @Inject @Named("jcr:created")
    private Calendar publicationDate;
    public String getTitle() {
        return title;
    public String getAuthor() {
        return author;
    public Calendar getPublicationDate() {
        return publicationDate;

In this example, we define a Sling model called “NewsArticle” that adapts to a Resource object. The model has three properties: title, author, and publication date, each of which is injected using the “@Inject” and “@Named” annotations. The properties correspond to the “jcr:title”, “jcr:createdBy”, and “jcr:created” properties of the news article nodes in the repository.

To use the Sling model in our HTML template, we can simply reference the properties using EL expressions, like so:

<p>By ${}, published on ${newsArticle.publicationDate}</p>

In this example, we use EL expressions to display the title, author, and publication date of the news article. The “newsArticle” object is a Sling model instance that maps to a news article node in the repository.

By using Sling models in this way, we can easily retrieve and render content from the content repository in our web applications, without having to write complex Java code. Sling models provide a simple and intuitive way to map content nodes to Java objects, and make it easy to display that content on a webpage.

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