Observer Design Pattern in Java

The Observer Design Pattern in Java is a behavioral design pattern that allows one or more objects to be notified of changes in the state of another object. The pattern is useful when there are multiple objects that need to be notified of changes to a single object, and when changes to one object should trigger changes in others.

The Observer Design Pattern in Java has the following properties:

  1. Loose coupling: The pattern promotes loose coupling between the subject and observers by decoupling the subject from the observers. Observers are only dependent on the subject interface, not on the subject itself.
  2. Abstraction: The pattern uses abstraction to decouple the subject and observers, allowing them to change independently of each other. This abstraction also allows new observers to be added without changing the subject or other observers.
  3. Event-driven: The pattern is event-driven, meaning that the observers are notified only when there is a change in the subject. This minimizes unnecessary processing and maximizes efficiency.
  4. Easy to extend: The pattern is easy to extend, as new observers can be added easily without affecting the subject or other observers. Similarly, new subjects can be added without affecting the observers.
  5. Maintains consistency: The pattern ensures that all observers are notified and updated when the subject changes, maintaining consistency across the system.
  6. Simplifies maintenance: The pattern can simplify maintenance by separating concerns and reducing code complexity.

In Java, the Observer Design Pattern can be implemented in the following way:

  1. Create an interface or abstract class that represents the subject (the object being observed).
    public interface Subject {
        void registerObserver(Observer observer);
        void removeObserver(Observer observer);
        void notifyObservers();
  2. Create one or more implementations of the subject.
    public class ConcreteSubject implements Subject {
        private List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<>();
        private int state;
        public void registerObserver(Observer observer) {
        public void removeObserver(Observer observer) {
        public void notifyObservers() {
            for (Observer observer : observers) {
        public void setState(int state) {
            this.state = state;
  3. Create an interface or abstract class that represents the observer.
    public interface Observer {
        void update(int state);
  4. Create one or more implementations of the observer.
    public class ConcreteObserverA implements Observer {
        public void update(int state) {
            System.out.println("ConcreteObserverA updated with state: " + state);
    public class ConcreteObserverB implements Observer {
        public void update(int state) {
            System.out.println("ConcreteObserverB updated with state: " + state);
  5. Use the subject and observer classes to perform the desired behavior.
    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Subject subject = new ConcreteSubject();
            Observer observerA = new ConcreteObserverA();
            Observer observerB = new ConcreteObserverB();
            ((ConcreteSubject) subject).setState(5);
            ((ConcreteSubject) subject).setState(10);

    In this example, the Subject interface represents the subject, and the ConcreteSubject class is an implementation of the subject. The Observer interface represents the observer, and the ConcreteObserverA and ConcreteObserverB classes are implementations of the observer. The Main class uses the subject and observer classes to perform the desired behavior.

Overall, the Observer Design Pattern in Java allows one or more objects to be notified of changes in the state of another object. It achieves this by creating an interface or abstract class for the subject, creating one or more implementations of the subject, creating an interface or abstract class for the observer, creating one or more implementations of the observer, and using the subject and observer classes to perform the desired behavior.

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