Top WordPress Interview Questions And Answers (2023)

1. What is WordPress?

WordPress is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) and blogging platform that allows users to create and manage websites without requiring extensive knowledge of coding or web design. Originally launched in 2003, WordPress has become one of the most popular CMS platforms in the world, with over 40% of all websites on the internet running on WordPress.

WordPress offers a user-friendly interface for creating and managing websites, with a wide range of customizable templates, themes, and plugins available to users. WordPress is also highly extensible, with a large developer community constantly creating new themes and plugins to add new features and functionality to the platform.

WordPress can be used for a variety of websites, including blogs, e-commerce sites, portfolios, and more. It supports a wide range of media types, including text, images, videos, and audio, and offers built-in SEO features to help improve search engine visibility. WordPress is also highly scalable and can be used to create sites of all sizes, from small personal blogs to large enterprise websites.

2. What is the difference between posts and pages?

Posts appear in reverse chronological order so that recent post could be seen first.Pages are static in nature and independent of history. Pages remains same, rarely updated.
Posts are dynamic and can be updated frequently.Pages are static and don’t need to update so frequently.
Posts have author and timestamp which display published date and time for a post.Pages don’t show published date and time.
While creating posts, we can assign categories and tags to a post, which makes easier to search.Pages don’t have any categories and tags.
Posts appear in RSS feed so the subscribed user to your blog can receive notification for latest post.Pages don’t appear in RSS feed.
Posts are social.Pages are not social.

3. What are the minimum requirements to use WordPress?

To run WordPress recommended host should have:

  • PHP 7.4 or greater
  • MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.1 or greater
  • Nginx or Apache with mod_rewrite module
  • HTTPS support

4. What are the latest version of WordPress?

The latest version of WordPress is 6.1 released till Nov 01, 2022.

5. What are the steps should be followed for installing WordPress manually?

Here are the steps to install WordPress manually:

  1. Download WordPress: Visit the official WordPress website and download the latest version of WordPress.
  2. Upload WordPress files: Upload the downloaded WordPress files to your web hosting account using an FTP client or cPanel File Manager.
  3. Create a Database: Create a MySQL database and user for your WordPress installation. You can usually do this using the cPanel or Plesk control panel provided by your web host.
  4. Configure wp-config.php: Rename the file wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php and open it in a text editor. Enter your database details in the relevant fields, and save the file.
  5. Run the Installation Script: Open your web browser and navigate to your domain name, followed by /wp-admin/install.php. This will launch the WordPress installation wizard.
  6. Complete the Installation: Follow the prompts in the installation wizard to complete the installation. You will be prompted to enter basic site information such as the site title, username, and password.
  7. Log In: Once the installation is complete, you can log in to your WordPress dashboard using the username and password you entered during the installation process.

Congratulations! You have now installed WordPress manually. You can start customizing your site by installing themes and plugins, creating content, and managing your site settings.

6. Why to use WordPress and what are the features of WordPress?

WordPress provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of customizable themes and plugins that can be used to build websites for various purposes. It is built using PHP programming language and uses a MySQL database to store content.

Some of the key features of WordPress include:

  1. Flexibility: WordPress is highly customizable and can be used to create any type of website, from blogs and personal websites to e-commerce sites and corporate websites.
  2. Themes: WordPress offers a large number of themes that can be used to change the appearance of a website. Themes can be customized using the built-in theme editor or by adding custom CSS.
  3. Plugins: WordPress plugins can be used to add new functionality to a website, such as social media sharing, contact forms, and e-commerce features.
  4. User Management: WordPress allows users to create and manage multiple user accounts with different roles and permissions.
  5. SEO-Friendly: WordPress is optimized for search engine optimization (SEO) and includes features such as permalinks, sitemaps, and SEO plugins.
  6. Mobile Responsive: WordPress themes are designed to be mobile responsive, ensuring that websites look and function well on different devices and screen sizes.

7. What is the difference between and is an open source software and free of cost. Only you need a domain name and hosting server. This is also called self hosted WordPress.

  • You own your website and all its data. No one can turned off your website as it will be against terms of service.
  • You can also add free, paid and custom WordPress plugins and app to your website.
  • You can customize your website theme and plugin as well.
  • You can monetize your website by running ads without sharing revenue with the others. is a hosting service created by Automattic, the company by WordPress co-founder, Matt Mullenweg.

  • The hosting service comes with different pricing plans. Free hosting services has very limited features.
  • Updates and backups are managed by
  • It does not allow to run ads on free websites. Only if your website run with high traffic website, then you can join their own WordAds program and share your ad revenue with
  • To build ecommerce website in, you have to pay some amount per year.

8. How many default tables in WordPress database?

When you install WordPress, it creates 12 tables in the database by default. These tables are:

  1. wp_commentmeta: Stores additional metadata for comments.
  2. wp_comments: Stores comments made on the website.
  3. wp_links: Stores links that appear on the website.
  4. wp_options: Stores various options and settings for the website.
  5. wp_postmeta: Stores additional metadata for posts.
  6. wp_posts: Stores all the posts on the website, including pages, articles, and other types of content.
  7. wp_terms: Stores terms or tags used to categorize content.
  8. wp_termmeta: Stores additional metadata for terms or tags.
  9. wp_term_relationships: Stores the relationship between terms and posts.
  10. wp_term_taxonomy: Defines taxonomies for terms or tags.
  11. wp_usermeta: Stores additional metadata for users.
  12. wp_users: Stores user information, including login details and user settings.

9. In WordPress, objects are passed by value or by reference?

In WordPress, all objects are passed by value.

10. In which cases, WordPress is not preferable for a website?

While WordPress is a versatile and powerful platform for building websites, there are some cases where it may not be the best choice. Here are some scenarios where WordPress may not be the most suitable option:

  1. Large Enterprise Websites: WordPress may not be the best choice for large enterprise websites with complex requirements, as it may not be able to handle the high volume of traffic and customization needs.
  2. Custom Functionality: If your website requires a lot of custom functionality that cannot be achieved using plugins or themes, then WordPress may not be the best choice.
  3. High Security Requirements: While WordPress has a robust security system, it is not immune to security threats. If your website requires high levels of security and compliance, such as a financial institution or government agency, then WordPress may not be the best choice.
  4. High Performance Websites: If your website requires lightning-fast page load times and high performance, then WordPress may not be the best choice. It may require additional optimization and caching to achieve optimal performance.
  5. Complex E-commerce Websites: While WordPress can be used to build e-commerce websites using plugins such as WooCommerce, it may not be the best choice for complex e-commerce websites that require advanced features and customization.
  6. Limited Technical Skills: If you have limited technical skills and resources, then WordPress may not be the best choice, as it may require some technical expertise to manage and maintain the website.

In these cases, it may be more appropriate to use other platforms or custom development solutions to build your website.

11. List some of the plugins that come with WordPress.

WordPress comes with a number of plugins that are included by default when you install the platform. Here are some of the plugins that come with WordPress:

  1. Akismet: A spam protection plugin that helps prevent unwanted comments from appearing on your website.
  2. Hello Dolly: A simple plugin that displays a random quote from the lyrics of the song “Hello, Dolly!” in the WordPress dashboard.
  3. Jetpack: A suite of tools and features that can help with website performance, security, and analytics.
  4. Twenty Twenty-One: A default WordPress theme that comes with the platform.
  5. WPForms Lite: A contact form plugin that can be used to create simple contact forms for your website.
  6. Yoast SEO: A powerful SEO plugin that helps improve the search engine optimization of your website.
  7. Gutenberg: A block-based editor that is built into WordPress, which allows you to create rich and dynamic content.

Note that some of these plugins may be updated or removed in future versions of WordPress, and additional plugins can be installed from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

12. How to increase WordPress website security?

WordPress is a popular platform for building websites, but like any other website, it can be vulnerable to security threats. Here are some tips to increase the security of your WordPress website:

  1. Keep WordPress Updated: Keep your WordPress core, themes, and plugins up-to-date to ensure that known security vulnerabilities are patched.
  2. Use Strong Passwords: Use strong passwords that are difficult to guess and change them regularly. Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords.
  3. Limit Login Attempts: Install a plugin that limits the number of login attempts to prevent brute-force attacks.
  4. Use Two-Factor Authentication: Implement two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your login process.
  5. Install a Security Plugin: Install a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri to scan your website for vulnerabilities and protect it against malware and attacks.
  6. Disable File Editing: Disable file editing in the WordPress dashboard to prevent unauthorized access to your website’s files.
  7. Use Secure Hosting: Choose a reputable and secure hosting provider that implements security measures like firewalls and malware scanning.
  8. Remove Unused Themes and Plugins: Remove any unused themes and plugins from your website to reduce the potential attack surface.
  9. Backup Your Website Regularly: Backup your website regularly to ensure that you have a recent copy of your website in case of a security incident.

By implementing these security measures, you can help protect your WordPress website from security threats and keep it safe and secure.

13. How to create custom post types in WordPress?

Custom post types allow you to create different types of content in WordPress, beyond the standard posts and pages. Here are the steps to create custom post types in WordPress:

  1. Open the functions.php file: The functions.php file is located in your WordPress theme’s directory. Open this file in a text editor.
  2. Create a new function: To create a custom post type, you will need to create a new function. The function should include the following:
  3. function custom_post_type() {
       // Code for custom post type
  4. Define the custom post type: In the custom_post_type() function, you will need to define the custom post type using the register_post_type() function. Here is an example:
  5. function custom_post_type() {
       $args = array(
          'labels' => array(
             'name' => 'Custom Post Type',
             'singular_name' => 'Custom Post Type',
          'public' => true,
          'has_archive' => true,
          'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-format-gallery',
          'supports' => array(
       register_post_type('custom_post_type', $args);
  6. This code defines a custom post type called “Custom Post Type” and includes options for the post type, such as whether it should be public, have an archive, and what features it should support.
  7. Hook the function into WordPress: To make the custom post type available in WordPress, you will need to hook the custom_post_type() function into WordPress. Here is an example:
  8. add_action('init', 'custom_post_type');
  9. Save the functions.php file: Save the changes to the functions.php file and upload it to your WordPress site.
  10. Once you have completed these steps, you should see the new custom post type in the WordPress dashboard, and you can start creating new posts using this type.

14. What is a loop in WordPress?

In WordPress, a loop is a PHP code that retrieves and displays posts from the database. The loop is a fundamental concept in WordPress, and it is used to display different types of content, including posts, pages, and custom post types.

The loop retrieves a set of posts based on certain parameters, such as the number of posts to display, the post type, the category, or the date range. Once the loop has retrieved the posts, it can be used to display them in a variety of formats, such as a list, grid, or carousel.

Here is an example of a basic loop that displays the titles and excerpts of the most recent posts:

if ( have_posts() ) :
   while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
      // Display post title and excerpt
      the_title('<h2>', '</h2>');
else :
   // If no posts are found
   echo '<p>No posts found</p>';

In this example, the have_posts() function checks if there are any posts to display, and the while loop retrieves each post one by one using the the_post() function. The loop then uses the the_title() and the_excerpt() functions to display the title and excerpt of each post. Finally, the endif statement closes the loop.

The loop is a powerful feature of WordPress that allows you to display content dynamically and customize the output to suit your needs.

15. What are config files in WordPress?

In WordPress, configuration files (also known as config files) are files that contain important settings and configurations for your website. There are two main configuration files in WordPress:

  1. wp-config.php: This file contains the database connection information, authentication keys and salts, and other important settings that WordPress needs to function. It is located in the root directory of your WordPress installation.
  2. .htaccess: This file contains directives that control the Apache web server that WordPress runs on. It is located in the root directory of your WordPress installation.

The wp-config.php file is one of the most important files in your WordPress installation, as it contains sensitive information such as your database credentials and secret keys. You should take care to keep this file secure and not share it with unauthorized individuals.

The .htaccess file is used to control various aspects of the Apache web server, such as URL rewriting, caching, and access control. It is important to ensure that this file is configured correctly to ensure the security and performance of your WordPress site.

In addition to these two main configuration files, there are other configuration files that may be used by WordPress plugins and themes to store settings and options. These files are usually located in the wp-content directory and are specific to the plugin or theme that uses them.

16. Explain moderate comment in WordPress?

In WordPress, when a visitor leaves a comment on a post or page, it is sent to the website owner or administrator for approval. Moderating comments means that you review and approve or disapprove comments before they are published on your website.

When a comment is submitted, it is marked as “pending” and is not visible on the website until it has been approved by a moderator. The moderator can review the comment and decide whether to approve it, mark it as spam, or delete it.

To moderate comments in WordPress, you can go to the Comments section in the WordPress dashboard. From there, you can see a list of all comments that have been submitted to your website, along with information about the comment author, date, and content. You can then approve or disapprove individual comments, or use bulk actions to approve, mark as spam, or delete multiple comments at once.

Moderating comments is an important task in WordPress, as it helps to prevent spam and maintain the quality of your website’s content. By reviewing comments regularly and taking action on inappropriate or irrelevant comments, you can help to create a safe and engaging environment for your visitors to interact with your website.

17. Explain Avatar and Gravatar in WordPress.

In WordPress, an avatar is a small image or icon that represents a user or commenter on a website. Avatars are commonly used in comment sections, forum threads, and user profiles to identify and personalize user accounts.

Gravatar, short for “Globally Recognized Avatar,” is a service that allows users to create a single avatar image that can be used across multiple websites. When a user signs up for a Gravatar account, they upload a profile picture that is associated with their email address. When the user leaves a comment on a website that supports Gravatar, their avatar image is automatically displayed alongside their comment.

WordPress has built-in support for Gravatar, which means that website owners can easily enable Gravatar for comment sections and user profiles. Users can also choose to use a custom avatar image instead of their Gravatar, either by uploading a new image or using one of the default WordPress avatar images.

Using Gravatar can be a convenient way for users to maintain a consistent online identity across multiple websites. It also allows website owners to easily display user avatars without having to host and manage the images themselves.

18. How can you handle the situation if your WordPress site is hacked?

If your WordPress site is hacked, it is important to take immediate action to prevent further damage and restore your website to a secure and functional state. Here are some steps you can take to handle a hacked WordPress site:

  1. Quarantine the site: Take your site offline and change the password for the WordPress admin account.
  2. Backup: Before proceeding with any recovery steps, it is important to take a backup of your website.
  3. Scan for malware: Use a malware scanner such as Wordfence or Sucuri to scan your website for malware and other security threats. These plugins will scan your website files and database for malicious code and vulnerabilities.
  4. Identify the hack: Determine how the hack occurred and what the hacker did to your website. This can help you prevent similar attacks in the future.
  5. Clean up: Remove all malicious code from your website files and database. This can be done manually or using a malware removal plugin.
  6. Update WordPress and plugins: Update your WordPress core, themes and plugins to the latest version to ensure that any security vulnerabilities are patched.
  7. Change passwords and keys: Change all WordPress passwords and authentication keys to prevent further unauthorized access.
  8. Contact your web host: Inform your web host about the hack and ask for their assistance in securing your website.
  9. Monitor and maintain security: Set up security plugins such as Wordfence or iThemes Security to monitor and maintain the security of your website.

In case you are not confident about your skills, it is recommended to get professional help to restore your WordPress site.

19. Explain the difference between WordPress Categories and Tags.

In WordPress, categories and tags are used to organize and group related content on a website. Here is the difference between WordPress categories and tags:

  1. Categories: Categories are hierarchical and can be thought of as a broad grouping of content. They are used to organize posts into general topics or themes, such as “News,” “Sports,” or “Technology.” Categories can have subcategories, creating a hierarchy of content organization. Typically, a post will only belong to one category.
  2. Tags: Tags are non-hierarchical and are used to describe specific topics or keywords related to a post. Unlike categories, posts can have multiple tags. Tags can be used to describe the content in more detail, helping users to find related posts and navigate the website more effectively.

In summary, categories are used to organize content into broad topics or themes, while tags are used to describe specific details or topics within a post. Categories create a hierarchical organization of content, while tags do not. Both categories and tags can be used to help users navigate a website and find related content.

20. How many types of users WordPress have?

In WordPress, there are five types of users, each with different levels of permissions and access to website features. These user types are:

  1. Administrator: This is the highest level of user and has full access to all features and settings on the website. Administrators can create, edit, and delete content, manage users and user roles, install plugins and themes, and modify website settings.
  2. Editor: Editors have the ability to create, edit, and delete content, but they cannot access website settings, plugins, or themes. They can manage other users with lower roles, such as authors and contributors.
  3. Author: Authors can create and publish their own posts, but they cannot access content created by other users or modify website settings. They have limited access to website features and cannot install plugins or themes.
  4. Contributor: Contributors can create and submit posts, but they cannot publish them. Their content must be reviewed and published by an editor or administrator. Contributors have very limited access to website features.
  5. Subscriber: Subscribers have the lowest level of access and can only view content. They cannot create or modify content or access any website features.

Each user type has different capabilities and levels of access, making it easy for website owners to control who can create, edit, and publish content on their website.

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